Internal Fire Doors - Fire Door Installation - Fire Door Ιnspections

Are your fire doors fully compliant and fit for purpose? We can help with a full and comprehensive assessment. Our expert team provides professional fire door installation services in London, Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridge, Suffolk & Norfolk.

Fire Doors

Fire doors can play a crucial role in preventing the spread of fire and smoke in a premises. Regular maintenance of your fire doors will ensure that they remain compliant and fit for purpose. In addition, in October 2006 new legislation came into force placing the responsibility for the fire safety of properties under the control of building owners and managers.

Under the RRFSO the “Responsible Person” for each premises is required to carry out an assessment of the risks from fire and then take steps to reduce or remove that risk. In order to comply a fire risk assessment must be completed together with providing an efficient and effective recording system to ensure that regular checks are made on fire prevention assets including fire resisting doors.

As part of these regulations, you are required to complete a full inspection of your existing internal fire doors, this should be carried out at least once a year, although a more frequent programme may be required depending on the general use and traffic flow of each door. Our fully trained and competent fire door inspectors will provide a full and comprehensive assessment of your fire doors as well as compile an asset register for future inspections. Our report will identify any fire doors that do not meet the necessary standards and detail what needs to be done to put them right.

Our expert team provides professional fire door installation services in London, Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridge, Suffolk & Norfolk.

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Fire Door inspections

The Regulatory Reform (Fire safety) Order 2005 requires regular audits on all fire-resistant doors in the building. For standard occupancy, perform these inspections every six months. In busy buildings, increase the frequency to every three months.

For buildings over 11 metres in height, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 call for the responsible person to use best endeavours to undertake checks of fire doors at the entrances of individual domestic premises in the building at least every twelve months.

Fire doors must be inspected at regular intervals by a professional in accordance with Building Codes. Generally, these inspections should occur at the intervals below: 6 months for common property doors, and 12 months for sole occupancy unit doors.

1. Certification
1. Certification
Look for a label, a plug or similar marking to show that it’s certificated & follow the instructions.

IMPORTANT: All ironmongery such as locks, latches, closers & hinges, MUST be CE marked & compatible with the door leaf’s certification.

2. Apertures
2. Apertures
Altering the door for glazing apertures and air transfer grilles will make certification VOID.
3. Gaps & Seals
3. Gaps & Seals
Check the gap around the door frame is constant and around 3 to 4mm & CE Marked hinges are firmly fixed with no missing screws. Ensure seals are fitted at the top and sides of the door.
4. Closers
4. Closers
Check that the closer shuts the door onto the latch from any position – check from 75mm from the closed position.
5. Operations
5. Operations
Ensure the door closes correctly around all parts of the frame.

Discuss your requirements with us.

Please call the Etech Group team on 020 8684 4466We have a comprehensive range of fire safety solutions including Fire Doors, Fire Safety, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Systems, Fire Compartmentation, Fire Stopping.